Scrapbooking quotes about memories
Scrapbooking quotes about memories

We should strive to make good memories not Our memories can never be taken away from us, they are to be cherished and appreciatedĪs life continues to change year after year.

#Scrapbooking quotes about memories pdf#

If you would like to print the list of journal prompts for scrapbooking childhood memories as a PDF for future reference just click on the print button below or on the print icon in the bank of floating buttons on the right-hand side (PC) and bottom (mobile).Our collection of memories quotes are remembrances of days gone by, they remind you that the memories we make with family and friends are truly a treasure of life, they stay with us forever, no one can take them away. I hope you enjoyed this list of 85+ journaling prompts to spark childhood memories that you can use to accompany photos in your childhood memories scrapbook. #journalingprompts #scrapbooking #childhoodmemories What would you differently if there was a do over.One thing you learned in school that stuck.An event or incident that really scared you.Things you were afraid of (eg spiders, mice, dogs, birds etc).Things you made (eg knitting, sewing, crafts etc).Things you did even though you knew it was wrong (what happened?).Bad habits (what were they? did you ever grow out of these?).Failure (what happened? what did you learn? how did it help you?).Running away (where did you go and what happened?).Weekends (how did you spend these? what was happening around you?).Family outings and activites (where, who with, why).Favorite clothes (what did you like, not like).Favorite hideaway (eg treehouse, hut, in the bushes).Favorite belongings (what these things important to you?).Favorite day of the week (don't forget to say why).Favorite collections (what did you collect and why?).Favorite time of the day (what happened then? why?).Least favorite foods (what didn't you like).Favorite foods (what was special about these?).Playmates (who did you play with? siblings? friends? neighbours?).Pocket money (how much? what did you spend it on?).Favorite musical instrument (what did you learn to play?).Embarassing moments growing up (what happened, why was it embarassing? what did you do next?).First times (eg owned a watch, on an aeroplane, saw snow, went to school by yourself etc).

scrapbooking quotes about memories

Teachers (was there a teacher who was influential).What you liked and didn't like about school.Family traditions (what were they? and why?).Memorable places (smells, visual memories etc).

scrapbooking quotes about memories

  • Holidays and vacations (where did you go? what did you do? who did you meet? who was with you?).
  • Bullying (what did you get teased for and why?).
  • Looks (what did you look like? eg tall/short for your age, wore thick specs, gangly, spotty).
  • scrapbooking quotes about memories

  • Your personality (character traits eg shy, precocious, studious, bossy, a star, different etc).
  • Your house or houses (what do you remember about the rooms, temperature, light quality, near tothe smell, sunny, dark, warm, cold?).
  • Family members - extended (who were you close to? grandparents, cousins, uncles and aunts).
  • Family members - immediate (who are they? your relationship growing up, who were you close to?).
  • Your earliest memory (what makes it still so vivid?).
  • Over time I will be adding more to the list so check back often for updates. There are more than 80 journal prompts to help you access childhood memories and get you journaling.

    scrapbooking quotes about memories

    Make sure you check out my mega list of journaling prompts for scrapbooking your childhood memories set out below. Would you need a page for each story about a place or would you envisage putting all your photos on a two page spread and journaling around these?Ĩ5+ Journaling Prompts of Childhood Memories - Mega List of Journaling Starters for Scrapbooking For instance if you were to write about the places you lived growing up think about how your might group these in your scrapbook memory book layout. Grouping stories about people, places or activities can be helpful in writing about your early life. Group Similar Stories Together and Envisage the Journaling on Your Layout If you have a Google account you might consider using Google Docs for easy online access across devices and to other services like Google Photos and Google Drive. If journaling on the computer make sure you back up your stories once you start recording them. I suggest that you start a notebook if you are writing by hand as it will help keep all your stories together so they don't get lost.

    Scrapbooking quotes about memories