Consequently this recording needed to be cleaned up. Cool Nature Sounds 485 subscribers Subscribe 85 Share 22K views 1 year ago kitesound The Mississippi kite (Ictinia mississippiensis) is a small bird of prey in the family Accipitridae. One bird, the chickadee, will sound a call, which sounds like its name. directed elsewhere it picks up background ambient 'noise' and carries a metallic signature. In the Americas Swallow-tailed Kites and Mississippi Kite migrate in flocks. I built the unit to use for night migrants from the roof of my house. The The pick-up is a very small Senal CL-6 omni lapel microphone suspended inside a plastic tube drilled out as an interference tube. I pointed a 24 inch aluminum parabolic microphone in the approximate direction of the birds. This one note call is something I do not remember hearing in the past, but I hesitate to ascribe it to a juvenile bird. Since migration for this species is only a few weeks away (mid-August) I am assuming that one of these is a hatch-year bird. While Mississippi Kites and Peregrine Falcons are similar in body length and wingspan, the Peregrine Falcon can weigh up to three times more. They circle the roost/nest no more than 300-400 meters from it. Mississippi kites (Ictinia mississippiensis) are arguably one of the most abundant raptors that breed in urban and suburban areas within North America (color plate 1). Furthermore I have not been able to see a nest.

They vocalize regularly, but they are so well hidden it has been difficult for me to point a microphone at them. Moments later the male flew to and mounted her. Much like the standard call except the quavering of the final note, the call was issued by a female from a limb high in a Slash Pine (Pinus elliotti). I have had one or more Mississippi Kites roosting or nesting in a large Loblolly Pine on my property all summer. 27 foreground recordings and 1 background recordings of Ictinia mississippiensis.